Saturday, May 10, 2008

first time blogger

Hello everyone.
This is my first blog ever so Im a little unsure of how this all goes. Please feel free to leave feedback. The more, the merrier! OK, So I have just started to look into Domestic Disapline which most of you know as DD. I cant say that I am at that point yet with my husband but think Id like to be. I have read lots of blogs and most have been helpful but I cant seem to find the answer I am seeking. I have been married now for 4 years. I have truely never loved another so deeply which is what makes our relationship so strong. I just recently found out what DD was and have found myself wanting that in our relationship.
I have only been spanked by one person in my whole life....My husband. My parents would smake me around a bit when I was bad as a kid, but never actually spanked by them. As a little girl, or should I say, coming into puberty, I found myself fanticising mostly about spanking. Sometimes of just some random person and sometimes myself. I couldnt help but feel ashamed of myself for thinking that way. I didnt understand why the thought of watching a spanking session or actually thinking of recieving the spanking turned me on. These thoughts continued into adulthood but I had never discussed these feelings with anyone, mostly because I felt that I must be crazy to feel that way.
Throughout my teens and up to this point in my life, I have always masturbated. Once I realized, of course, that I could make myself feel completely overwhelmed by pleasure. I can honestly confess that Just about everytime I did masterbate, I was thinking about being spanked. Im hoping not to be alone in all this. Surely, others share my feelings. Thank goodness for the internet!!! It wasnt until a couple years ago that I found so much on spanking but most seemed to be some sleezy porn site of some kind, or on the topic of DD. Truth be told, it absolutly turns me on to think about, or recieve a spanking!
What I am confused about, is whether a DD relationship is purely based on punishment, or for sexual pleasure (meaning, spanking will ultimitly lead to sex). So far, my relationship with my husband has only contained a spanking session followed by sex. Reading the differant and amazing DD blogs, I have come to a conclusion that this is what I think we could use in our relationship. I of course would be the one recieving the spankings. It makes me uncomfortable to be the Top. Anyway, I would hate to give up the fact that sometimes I really enjoy being spanked right before an intimate experiance with my husband. It actually turns me on faster than regular forplay
I cant find that Sex would follow in a DD relationship, meaning that it would ultimatly lead to having sex. Can anyone tell me If this is true? Is a DD relationship based on getting spanked by there partner for misbehaving ONLY, or does it include both? If it does include both, than I think that DD would be a perfict fit for our lives. I have often thought about being spanked over my husbands knee for being naughty. That maybe one day, he would come home to find, that I have not touched the building pile of laundry next to the washer, or that I hadnt started making dinner even if it was getting late, or, well use your imagination. Point being, that he would instruct me with a firm voice to wait upstairs for him, so that I may be properly punished for my misdeeds!
This unfortunitly, has never been the case. Mostly, spanking has been a forplay thing, which I do so love, but cant there be more? Once in a while he will say something like, "Did you get a chance to move the laundry along?" and of course my responce is "no, sorry". Then he'll reply with something like " OH, You are in for a spanking". Unfortunitly, its all bark, and no bite! Seriously, He has ONLY spanked me while we are being intimate, and even then, its only once in a while. It does so make me full of desire!!
I would love to hear from others in a true DD relationship and share your opinion with me. I would also love to know how you came to be part of a DD relationship? How do I express this whole idea with my husband. I read through the guidlines that was posted on "Lisa's Spanking Blog" (which is a really cool blog) and could see those being a structured part of my marriage. I just dont know how to expess this to my husband, and a little scared he might not like the idea. Maybe a lttle scared that he would love the idea!!


Brat V aka TX Spankogirl said...

Hi Beth! There is ABSOLUTELY room for both playful/erotic and discipline spankings in a marriage. And while many people think that sex shouldn't follow a displine spanking it doesn't always turn out that way.

Sure, there have been times that I've been spanked with no sex afterwards. But there have been just as many that after the problem has been resolved we feel closer and naturally want to spend some intimate time together.

Most of our spankings are fun. Discipline spankings truly SUCK LOL. They RARELY happen. But we role play discipline scenes for fun and if you're brand new to DD that might be something you want to start off with instead of jumping in with both feet.

After my first discpline spanking I didn't feel better like lots of people say they do. I was PISSED LOL. I was so mad at my husband (and myself since I had asked him to do this) that I questioned if it was right for me. Sometimes we romanticize things and when we bring them to life they're not like we thought it would be. The biggest things to remember is that COMMUNICATION is the most important thing in a DD relationship

Best of luck on your spanking and DD journey! And don't stop writing. I quit blogging for a while but have picked it back up and intent to stick with it for a while!

~Brat V aka TX Spankogirl~

Hermione said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You'll get lots of helpful advice from other bloggers who are into DD.


Anonymous said...

Good luck sorting it all out. I'm right there with you.

Apple said...

Hey Beth, be welcomed in the kinky life. My blog is new too, so if you like to visit...:)

I also love to be spanked as you too and there was alsways sex afterwards. I turns me more on then "normal" foreplay,..but it depends on you both how you create your DD-relationship.I don´t think there is a norm, how it should be, if there should be sex afterwards or just a spanking.
It has to be good for you, no matter what you do or don´t.

And yes, communication is very important,because it´s the only way to clear up situation which are uncomfortable for you or your husband.

I needed awhile to figure out what I like and what I dislike.

Be back

Kisses Apple

Greenwoman said...

Hi Beth! I sure hop you'll keep going with blogging. Its a wonderfully fun thing to do. Big welcome to the community of spanko bloggers!! *smiles*